Adult Nightly - Pay per night terms and conditions

Sky subscribers who wish to purchase programming offered by Sky on a pay-per-night basis on “Adult Nightly” services do so on the terms of their applicable Sky TV subscription service.

Subscription - Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: December 20, 2023

The following terms and Conditions (“Terms”) apply when you have purchased a subscription to the Adult Channel, Babes&Brazzers, and Television X. We are Aylo Global Entertainment (Europe) Ltd. (“we”, “us”, “our”, “Aylo Europe”) with notice of address at PO BOX 26716, Kirkcaldy, Fife, KY2 6NA. These are the terms and Conditions of your adult pack digital subscription contract which apply when subscribing to our services:

1. Definitions

In these Conditions:

  • Address: The address of your home in the United Kingdom which you provided to us.
  • Channels: The subscription television channels known as Adult Channel, Babes&Brazzers, or Television X or any other channel broadcast by us during the term of your subscription and under these Terms.
  • Conditions: The Conditions in this Contract and any changes we may make to them.
  • Contract: The contract between you and us authorising you to receive the service for private viewing at your address.
  • Set top box: An authorised satellite decoder using Sky’s digital Conditional access (encryption) system.
  • Minimum term: The minimum term during which you are obligated to first subscribe to the service under this contract according to the option chosen by you.
    • 12-month minimum term contracts: the minimum term shall be a period of twelve (12) months from the date on which you first subscribe to the service.
    • annual packages: the minimum term shall be a period of twelve (12) months from the date on which you first subscribe to the service.
    • monthly packages: the minimum term shall be a period of one (1) calendar month from the date on which you first subscribe to the service.
  • Service: the channels chosen by you. If during this contract you want to change your channels and we allow this, the service is the new channels you choose.
  • SSSL: Sky Subscribers Services Limited (“SSSL”), acting as agent for British Sky broadcasting limited (“bskyb”). References to “Sky” shall be read as references to bskyb.
  • Subscription Payment: The payments you must pay us to provide the service.
  • United Kingdom: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
  • Viewing card: The card which will allow you to receive the service when used with a set top box.

2. Subscription Payments

  1. you must pay your Subscription Payments every month in advance in the way/method you have chosen. For both direct debit and credit card options we will collect the amount due automatically from your account each month. Subject to clause 11 (a) you will remain liable for Subscription Payments for the whole of the minimum term.
  2. to subscribe to the service, you must first register with us. Registration may be subject to a non-refundable one-off fee, which you shall pay on registration. You cannot change your service for at least one month (unless this contract is terminated before the end of such month), unless we solely decide otherwise. We can in our sole discretion, allow you to change your chosen service and charge a reasonable administration fee for the inconvenience.
  3. we may change your Subscription Payment at any time by giving you at least one calendar months’ notice. However, during the minimum term, unless it is for a reason set out in Conditions 2(d) or 4, we may increase your Subscription Payment only once. That increase will not be more than:
    1. 10%; or
    2. the increase in the retail price index over the 12 months before we tell you about that price increase, whichever is greater. This price increase will not affect you during the first 60 days after you first subscribe to receive the service. Your Subscription Payment will also change during the minimum term if you change your service, and you will immediately pay the then current price for that new service.
  4. we may also increase your Subscription Payment:
    1. if we add extra channels to your service package. During the minimum term you may choose not to receive these extra channels and we will not increase your Subscription Payment for the remainder of the minimum term except according to Condition 2(c). From the end of the minimum term, you will receive all channels included in your chosen service and pay the then current price for it. The limits described in Condition 2(c) do not apply to any change in your Subscription Payment for any reason listed in this Condition 2(d); or
    2. if required by law or if any regulatory authority requests or requires a change to any aspect of our pricing which affects your Subscription Payment directly or our pricing structure generally.
  5. we may alter your direct debit or credit card instruction such as payment dates, time, and amount, if your Subscription Payment changes for any reason. We may also charge any other payment due under this contract under your direct debit or credit card instruction together with any other payments which you agree that we may charge under that instruction.
  6. annual payments will be renewed automatically unless notification is received in accordance with Condition 11.
  7. we may refuse your application for subscription based on the results of an assessment of your credit standing using credit scoring. We may from time to time also use credit scoring to assess your credit standing during your subscription; we will apply reasonable practices for administering your account based on the result of that scoring, including, if we believe it is reasonable, applying different payment terms to your account. We may use information from, and supply information to, outside agencies for this credit scoring.


£2 for 30 days offer

The promotion is available only once to any one person and to only one member of a household. You must have a sky subscription and valid payment details to redeem a promotional offer. Promotion not available to existing subscribers

Your promotional period will commence on the date registration is completed and the account is successfully created. Your promotional period may also be subject to a £15.99 one-off joining fee at the point, billed with your first month’s subscription.

You may cancel your promotional period at any time by contacting Aylo Global Entertainment (Europe) Ltd via the telephone (0333 030 6969) or via post to The Adult Pack Customer Services, PO Box 26716, Kirkcaldy Fife, KY26WQ. Once your promotional period has expired, you are required to give 30 days’ notice if you wish to terminate your subscription.

Billing starts unless you cancel.

We will begin billing you at the end of your promotional period, and thereafter on prescribed intervals, monthly unless otherwise indicated, for The Adult Pack service at £15.99 a month (or €22.30 in ROI) plus a fixed one-off joining fee of £15.99, unless you cancel prior to the end of your promotional period within the stated notice period. We will continue to bill you by your chosen payment method for The Adult Pack service until you complete the cancellation process. You must cancel your account before the end of the promotion to avoid charges.

No minimum contract on any of our packages for monthly subscribers. Standard call charges apply. Offer only available on Sky in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.


3. Channels and Programming

  1. we can replace or withdraw advertised programmes. We can change or reduce the number of hours of any channel’s broadcast. We may encrypt or unencrypt any channel.
  2. we can withdraw any channel. If we withdraw any channel, you will only have to pay the prevailing Subscription Payment for the service you are actually receiving after we do so.
  3. this contract does not authorise you to receive any pay-per-view television programmes or services of any kind. If you do choose to purchase any pay-per-view programmes or events from us, each purchase will be on the relevant service’s standard terms, and you authorise us to charge any payment for these pay-per-view services under the direct debit or credit card instruction that you provide to us under this contract.
  4. you will not use the service or any part of it other than to view the channels at your address.

4. Extra Channels

We may from time to time offer you extra premium channels. If we offer you these extra channels under these Conditions and you decide to take them, they will be included in the service. We will confirm to you what charges apply to these channels and how your Subscription Payment will change. The limits described in Condition 2(c) do not apply to any increase in your Subscription Payment for any reason listed in this Condition 4.

5. Your Viewing Card

  1. your viewing card acts as a key to unlock (unencrypt) your service. Having the viewing card does not mean you have a right to receive the service. You are entitled to only one viewing card under this contract.
  2. SSSL continues to own the viewing card and its replacement, if any after it is sent to you and, if we or SSSL request for it or not, you must return the card after this contract ends.
  3. only you may use the viewing card which SSSL sends you. You can only use the viewing card at your address with the set top box in which it is first used to receive the service and you must only use it for private viewing purposes. You must not use it in a hotel, motel, pub or other licensed premises, club, office, retail premises or similar place (see also Condition 9). You may only receive the service via one set top box under this contract.
  4. the viewing card must not be used outside the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland.
  5. any change of your address must be notified to us and SSSL immediately.
  6. if you give your viewing card to anyone else SSSL can, without notice or your permission make it invalid.
  7. you must not tamper with the viewing card or use it for anything we or SSSL do not authorise.
  8. to continue to receive the service without interruption, your viewing card must always be kept in your set top box, and you will need to keep the set top box connected to a main supply and suitable satellite dish and in standby mode when not in use. You must allow SSSL to update the software in your set top box by sending additional signals via satellite to your set top box. The software in your set top box remains SSSL’s property.
  9. we and SSSL shall be entitled to disclose your name, address and the services you receive via the viewing card as part of the proper administration of the digital satellite system.
  10. if your set top box is connected to a telephone line, information may be passed from it to us and SSSL and vice versa by telephone.

6. How Long is the Card Valid For

  1. for security reasons your viewing card will be replaced from time to time. SSSL will try to send you a new viewing card before the old one becomes invalid. SSSL will advertise (on air or in Sky’s satellite television magazine or in writing) when viewing cards are to be replaced.
  2. we may authorise SSSL to make the viewing card invalid if it is necessary to protect the security of Sky’s Conditional access system or if we believe you are using the viewing card in ways which we have not authorised, or where it is otherwise reasonable for us to do so.
  3. if you have missed any payments you owe to us we can suspend the service without giving you notice by making your viewing card invalid. This does not affect our right to end this contract under Condition 11 below.

7. Lost, Stolen or Malfunctioning Viewing Cards

  1. if your viewing card is lost, stolen or damaged, you must tell SSSL immediately either by phoning 03337591269 or by writing to: SSSL, PO Box 43, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 7DD. SSSL can charge you the cost of replacing your viewing card if it is lost, stolen or damaged.
  2. if your viewing card does not work, you must also tell SSSL. If you return the non-working viewing card, SSSL will replace it free of charge if it had a defect when it was supplied to you. If the card is faulty or damaged in any other way or you do not return the faulty viewing card, SSSL can charge you the cost of replacing it. SSSL will make invalid any viewing card that you tell us does not work and is replaced.

8. Liability

We will not be liable under this contract for:

  1. any fault in a set top box or other receiving equipment you use;
  2. any fault in your viewing card caused by you tampering with it, your negligence or failure to follow our instructions;
  3. use of a viewing card with any decoding apparatus SSSL do not authorise;
  4. the ending by you or us of this contract according to Condition 11;
  5. our failure to provide the service caused by events outside our reasonable control;
  6. any loss or damage caused by us or our employees or agents in circumstances where:
    1. there is no breach of a legal duty of care owed to you by us or by any of our employees or agents;
    2. such loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach;
    3. any increase in loss or damage results from a breach by you of any term of this contract.

9. Copying and Copyright

  1. you must not do any of the following:
    1. copy (except as allowed under Section 35 (showing in schools) and Section 70 (time shifting for private and domestic use) of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (“Act”), redistribute or relay any of the channels or any part of them, or otherwise deal with the channels or any part of them other than as permitted by the Act. The exceptions in these sections are limited and you must make sure that you are legally entitled to rely on one of them; or
    2. sell or make any charge for watching any channel or programme; or
    3. show any channel in public to an audience, even if no charge is made.
  2. we may disable or alter remotely certain functions of your set top box so as to prevent you from copying the channels and we may prevent you receiving the service if your set top box allows copying of any channels which we are bound by contract to prevent.

10. Changing the Conditions

  1. we may not change or add to Conditions 2(c) or (d), Condition 3(d), Condition 8 or this Condition 10 except for security, legal or regulatory reasons.
  2. we may not change or add to any other Conditions unless it is reasonable to do so.
  3. we will give you at least one calendar months’ notice of any changes or additions. We will not use this right to vary the terms of any special offer which applies to you, and you have accepted during the term of the offer.

11. Ending the Contract

Unless Conditions 11(a) or (b) apply, this contract will stay in force for at least the minimum term. Unless Conditions 11(a) applies you will remain liable for Subscription Payments for the whole of the minimum term. The contract will continue after this time unless it is ended according to the Conditions below.

  1. you may end this contract at any time during the minimum term by giving us one calendar month’s notice in writing if we:
  2. tell you we are going to change these Conditions or
  3. withdraw any channel in your chosen service.

If you want to end the contract after the minimum term for any reason, just give us one calendar month’s notice in writing.

  1. if you break any of the Conditions of this contract, we can terminate the contract by giving you seven days’ written notice at any time (including during the minimum term).
  2. except where you break the Conditions of this contract, we will not terminate this contract during the minimum term. We may during that period and later vary this contract and the service in the ways described in this contract. We may terminate this contract after the minimum term by giving you one calendar months’ notice.
  3. if you or we end this contract, we will make your viewing card invalid and you will not be entitled to receive the service any more.
  4. we will not refund any Subscription Payments or other payments made under this contract if we end this contract because you have broken the Conditions.

12. Right to Transfer the Contract and Third Parties

  1. we can transfer our rights or obligations under this contract to any company, firm or person. We can only do this if it does not affect your rights under this contract. You may not transfer your rights or obligations under this contract to anyone else.
  2. this contract is personal to you and no third party is entitled to benefit under this contract except pursuant to Condition 12(a).

13. Notices

If we give a notice that is required under this contract, it must be in writing.

If we send you any notice with any other document the notice will be on a separate sheet of paper and will be clearly marked.

14. Law and Geographical Limits

This contract is governed by English law. Any disputes can be dealt with by the courts in England and Wales or any other United Kingdom court that could lawfully deal with the case under the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982.

This is an adult website

This website contains age-restricted materials including nudity and explicit depictions of sexual activity. By entering, you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in the jurisdiction you are accessing the website from and you consent to viewing sexually explicit content.